Plastic Free Shopping, Organic Products and much, much, more!
Friendly Soap Bar 95g (choose type)
Faith in Nature Soap Bar 100g
LoofCo Cleaning Pad
Alana Natural Hand Soap Bar 95g (choose type)
Natural bleach percarbonate of soda (oxygen bleach)
Concentrated Soda Crystals 750g
If U Care Sponge Cloths 5 pack
Loose Citric Acid (per 100g) food grade
Natural Nail Brush Sustainable beech wood and natural Tampico fibre (vegan) bristles. 100% plastic-free & biodegradable
Bio-D Natural Soap Bar 90g (choose type)
Our Tiny Bees Cold Pressed Soap BIG 140g Bar
LoofCo Soap Rest Pad
Bio-D Multi Surface Cleaner 750ml BRING BACK TO FILL BACK UP
Friendly Soap Saver Organic exfoliating hemp-sisal 13g
Citric Acid 750g in compostable pack food grade
Borax Substitute 750g in compostable pack sodium sesquicarbonate
LoofCo Bathroom Cleaning Pad (xl pad)
Friendly Soap Konjac Sponge 14g
Friendly Soap Box 32g
Faith Soap Box Gift Set 300g
EcoZone Drain Cleaning Sticks Fragrance Free
Dustpan and Brush Set - sustainable beech wood, metal and natural coir. 100% plastic-free